Thursday, July 9, 2015

With you.

What can I do for you today my love? I awake and immediately my heart races to find ways to please you, comfort you, bring joy to you. "Why do you love me so much?" you ask. Because I was sent to this world for just that purpose. To light the way for you, to cherish you, to watch over you and protect you. To bring you back to the paradise we once shared with the Creator. To stare into each others eyes once again and see the Universe in all her infinity. I love you. Take my peace with you today and take it wherever you go today, for there I am with you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

As you sleep

My dearest Love,

          I listen to you sleep and wonder what world is so blessed to have you there. I study your face in amazement of your grace. I'll run my fingers through your hair, gently and lightly as to not wake you up, but the silky feel comforts me and brings me closer to my own sleep. Ill give you a kiss on the cheek and without even opening your eyes or checking back in to this world you say to me, "I Love you". Am I there in your dream world with you too? Are we in both places at once? Our love apparently is. Goodnight my sweet charm.

Monday, July 6, 2015


 My dearest Love,
All that you see around you, did not exist two thousand years ago. Go ahead take a look around. Your computer, the walls of the room, everything outside the window. None of it. And two thousand years from now, none of it will exist again. But my love for you existed back than, now, and two thousand years from now. So all that really is, is my love for you. Goodnight dear heart.

Friday, June 26, 2015

I always miss you

As much as my heart aches the winged ones continue to tear at me and twist at me and try to pry you away from me. Love suddenly triumphs again before the gate and bows to your humility and grace. I prayed to my Father who is the owner of this Estate to spare you my princess any sort of hollow fate. Even if I must take all the blame, all I see is your angelic face.

I love you my dearest
Sleep well.
O how I always miss you.